Monday, December 16, 2013

The Long Story

The short version is Team HP. As you know by the blog name, it's not Horsepower, it's Heavy Penetration. Where'd it come from? A joke. After watching the High Octane DVD (clip below), I said, "how about Team Heavy Penetration," and it was chosen. It was literally a joke at first that I didn't think nor really wanted it to be our name, but everyone laughed and liked it and it grew on me and I began to like it after we made it official and had some stickers made. We were joking, saying that we would be penetrating corners by sliding or gripping and penetrating 9's in the 1/4 mile. Yeah, it's corny, but it caught on and it's us. That's HP.

The whole video (and DVD) is awesome, but this is a link it to the part or name comes from.

Monday, December 9, 2013

200 Drifters of December

So, I didn't get a media pass but I did take some photos. I took about 800, edited and posted about 350 to my Facebook page. Here are some of my favorites. Enjoy!